Item Icons not showing up and Skill Icons become extremely bright
Sorry if this has been mentioned before but I couldn't find it:
This has been the issue since I first installed the game. Whnever I click on an item or try to drag it's icon to somewhere (like storage or trashbin) ALL of my item icons onscreen (Backpack, bags, swords, hammers, EVERYTHING) turn into a grey square that blocks out the whole item. This happens even on EMPTY slots.
However, if I move my cursor over the item, I still get the details (and when I click the item too).
In addition, whenever I am editing my skills bar (switching out skills) they all turn SUPER BRIGHT, making it hard to identify them without scrolling over them.
I have an Nvidia GeForce 6100 (intergrated) Graphics Card.
If anymore info is required to solve the problem just post your request here.
Thanks for your time.